Curriculum Vitae


Yale University, Connecticut, the United States (2026)
PhD in Astronomy

Leiden University, Zuid-Holland, the Netherlands (2020)
MSc in Astronomy

Washington University, Missouri, the United States (2018)
BA in Physics cum laude
Dean’s List, Greg Delos Fellow, Undergraduate Physics Fellow

Publication Summary

163 citations with an h-index of 8

Author of 11 publications, 3 as first author

Published in Nature, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, The Astrophysical Journal, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, and Physical Review C

Observing Time, Grants, and Awards as PI

VLA: 40 hrs including $35,000 NRAO SOS Award

MeerKAT: 32.5 hrs

Classical Mode Observing Experience

Keck II, KCWI: 7 Nights

Keck I, LRIS: 7 Nights

Keck II, NIRSPEC: 1 Night

Keck I, MOSFIRE: 1 Night

Magellan, IMACS: 2 Nights

Dragonfly: 55 Nights


Current work in Python

Formerly proficient in C++, C, Fortran (2003), R, and Java

Substantial experience with AIPS, CASA, MRF, MESA, GYRE, Source Extractor, Photoutils, and Galpy

Research Experience

Dragonfly Group, Yale University (2020 - Present)
Advisor: Prof. Pieter van Dokkum, co-PI for the Dragonfly Telephoto Array

Galaxy Formation Theory Group, Yale University (2021 - Present)
Advisor: Prof. Frank van den Bosch, author of Galaxy Formation and Evolution

Theoretical Astrophysics Group, Leiden University (2019 - Present)
Advisor: Prof. Elena Rossi, LISA Science Group Deputy Team Leader

Observational Cosmology Group, Leiden University & ASTRON (2018 - 2019)
Advisor: Observatory Director Huub Röttgering, PI for LOFAR's Development

Nuclear Many-Body Physics Group, Washington University (2016 - 2018)
Advisor: Prof. Willem Dickhoff, author of Many-Body Theory Exposed

Teaching Experience

Frontiers and Controversy in Astrophysics, Yale University (2021 - 2022)
Teaching Fellow for Prof. Marla Geha

Introduction to Cosmology, Yale University (2021)
Teaching Fellow for Prof. Priyamvada Natarajan

Introduction to Relativity and Black Holes, Yale University (2020)
Teaching Fellow for Prof. Charles Bailyn

General Physics I & II, Washington University (2016 - 2018)
Teaching Assistant to Dr. Sai Iyer

Introduction to Relativity: The Special Theory, Washington University (2016)
Teaching Assistant to Dr. Sai Iyer